Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Librarian of Congress to be sworn in at noon

Watch Carla Hayden Swearing-In LIVE Sept. 14

Carla Hayden will be sworn in as the 14th Librarian of Congress by Chief Justice
of the United States John G. Roberts Jr. in the Great Hall of the Library's Thomas Jefferson
Building in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, September 14. Speaker of the U.S. House of
Representatives Paul Ryan will offer remarks. Hayden will be the first woman and
the first African-American to serve as Librarian of Congress. Hayden was nominated
by President Barack Obama and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
The feed begins at 11 a.m. EDT here, and the ceremony begins at noon EDT.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Become a "Library of Congress is Great" Scholar in Residence

Applications are now welcomed for "The Library of Congress is Great" Scholar-in-Residence Program. Scholars in residence must have a Library of Congress Reader Identification Card and thus, as a result, have all the benefits of being a reader in the Library of Congress. The residency does not provide housing, stipend, or salary of any kind. Join the illustrious "Library of Congress is Great" Scholar-in-Residence Program!

The application is as follows:

Is the Library of Congress great? __ Yes    __ No (disqualification)
Length of residency:
Project (summarized in one sentence):

Please submit your application (or any questions) below as a comment.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

By Popular Demand: Writing Retreat Extended!

Yes, due to popular demand, the Second Annual Library of Congress Writing Retreat has been extended another week, so we'll be in writing action through Friday, May 27th.

Feel free to post your writing plans/commitments below.

For more info on the Writing Retreat, see here

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Second Annual Library of Congress Writing Retreat

Everyone is invited to the Second Annual Library of Congress Writing Retreat: Monday, May 16th to Friday, May 20th 8:30am to 5pm (self-funded lunch 12-12:30 in the 6th floor cafeteria in the Madison Building). Free and open to anyone 18 years of age or older. The main activity: writing without distractions, getting writing projects done, writing with joy, or whatever makes sense to you. 

The only requirements are that, before you arrive on Monday morning, you have a specific writing goal or specific set of writing goals for the week and that you make some sort of time commitment to the writing retreat (for example, writing in the Library of Congress all five days or four out of the five days or whatever you wish). In addition, the Library of Congress requires that you obtain a library card before going into the reading rooms. For those who wish to meet for lunch, we can talk about our writing plans, etc. 

Finally, it would be great if you would comment on this blog post, letting me know if you are planning to take part and maybe your personal writing goals for the week. Of course, those having their own writing retreats in other wonderful public libraries around the world can comment and let us know the details of their own writing retreat. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Opening Day of the Southwest Courtyard

Today, during a break from writing in the European Reading Room, I got some peanuts from the machines right below the Jefferson Building cloak room and then waltzed right into the Southwest Courtyard. It is looking great. Lots of flowers. Everything has been spruced up. Happy Opening Day!

For more info and photos of the SW Courtyard:

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Another Great Thing: Library of Congress Chorale

A while back, I saw an announcement for a concert by the Library of Congress Chorale. The next concert will be happening sometime in May or June, but it seems rather unclear how we will hear about the concert except through a flyer posted somewhere in the Library. In the meantime, all researchers can sing in the Chorale:
The Library of Congress Chorale is a recognized employee organization of the Library of Congress. Membership is open to all members of the Library community, including staff, contractors, researchers, volunteers, and staff of other Capitol Hillarea government agencies. Conductors are chosen for a two-year term from among interested employees. The Chorale performs two formal concerts each year, in December and May or June. It also supports special events, such as the Librarian of Congress' annual holiday celebration in the Great Hall. 
Rehearsals take place weekly, on Wednesdays (12:05-1:00pm), from September to June. If you enjoy singing, please consider joining us for the spring program. Questions may be directed to David Brunton, President, Library of Congress Chorale ( or 202-707-2790).
How great is that?