Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Second Annual Library of Congress Writing Retreat

Everyone is invited to the Second Annual Library of Congress Writing Retreat: Monday, May 16th to Friday, May 20th 8:30am to 5pm (self-funded lunch 12-12:30 in the 6th floor cafeteria in the Madison Building). Free and open to anyone 18 years of age or older. The main activity: writing without distractions, getting writing projects done, writing with joy, or whatever makes sense to you. 

The only requirements are that, before you arrive on Monday morning, you have a specific writing goal or specific set of writing goals for the week and that you make some sort of time commitment to the writing retreat (for example, writing in the Library of Congress all five days or four out of the five days or whatever you wish). In addition, the Library of Congress requires that you obtain a library card before going into the reading rooms. For those who wish to meet for lunch, we can talk about our writing plans, etc. 

Finally, it would be great if you would comment on this blog post, letting me know if you are planning to take part and maybe your personal writing goals for the week. Of course, those having their own writing retreats in other wonderful public libraries around the world can comment and let us know the details of their own writing retreat. 


  1. I'll be there. My goal is to write 2-3 paragraphs on Timbuctoo, the settlement of African Americans in upstate New York that was also sometime home to John Brown, and one of the many places where the African and African American revolution meets the US and European revolution.

  2. I will complete a draft of chapter 5 of my book, Just One Block: Race, Radical Politics, and Revanchism in Washington, DC. I plan to be there all five days, but on Wednesday I will leave at 2pm.

  3. From J.: I'll be there for most of the week, except for Monday. My goals include finishing my annotated bibliography and starting a draft of my dissertation proposal! And lucky me, my dissertation Chair will be there too!!

  4. I will also be there, starting Monday (May 23, already!). I have to finish writing the Epilogue on my book on the Memory of the 1942 Novi Sad Massacre ("Remembering Cold Days") Arpad
