A while back, I saw an announcement for a concert by the Library of Congress Chorale. The next concert will be happening sometime in May or June, but it seems rather unclear how we will hear about the concert except through a flyer posted somewhere in the Library. In the meantime, all researchers can sing in the Chorale:
The Library of Congress Chorale is a recognized employee organization of the Library of Congress. Membership is open to all members of the Library community, including staff, contractors, researchers, volunteers, and staff of other Capitol Hillarea government agencies. Conductors are chosen for a two-year term from among interested employees. The Chorale performs two formal concerts each year, in December and May or June. It also supports special events, such as the Librarian of Congress' annual holiday celebration in the Great Hall.
Rehearsals take place weekly, on Wednesdays (12:05-1:00pm), from September to June. If you enjoy singing, please consider joining us for the spring program. Questions may be directed to David Brunton, President, Library of Congress Chorale (dbrun@loc.gov or 202-707-2790).How great is that?